As springtime winds begin to blow, a giant celestial
kite sets sail, riding high in the night sky. For sky-watchers, another
delightful week is ahead for observing the heavens, with the moon waxing
after an early absence and taking a starring role in the celestial
encounters ahead.
Springtime kite. With the moon missing for most of
the night on Monday, March 31, sky-watchers can track down the
distinctive constellation Bootes, the Herdsman, and its red giant star.
A good stargazing trick that will aid observers in finding this
bright constellation is to start off at the Big Dipper, now high in the
northeastern sky in the late evenings. Appearing to hang upside down,
the handle of the Big Dipper offers up three stars that point in an
imaginary line down toward the horizon. Follow the line until you hit
the next brightest star. Voila, you have found Arcturus, the brightest
star of Bootes (see sky map below).
While the remaining five stars that make up the kite shape are quite faint to the naked eye, Arcturus will knock your eyes out.
That’s because Arcturus is one of the closest stars to us at 37.5
light-years away. It is also considered the fourth brightest star in the
entire night sky, and is a real giant at some 20 million miles
(32,186,880 kilometers) wide—25 times wider than our sun. If our puny
sun were replaced by this behemoth, the outer edge of the star would
reach as far as the orbit of Mars, and Earth would be swallowed up by
its atmosphere.
Moon and the Bull. After nightfall on Wednesday,
April 2, look for the thin crescent moon hanging below the gems of the
constellation Taurus, the Bull, low in the western sky.
Nearly straight above the moon is the jewel-like star cluster known
as the Pleiades or Seven Sisters. To the naked eye, the 400
light-year-distant, deep-sky treasure trove resembles a fuzzy group of
stars. But binoculars and small telescopes bring into the Pleiades
stunning focus.
Meanwhile, to the upper left of the moon will be the orange-hued,
dying stellar giant Aldebaran, and the distinctively V-shaped Hyades
star cluster.
Hyades eclipse. By the next evening, Thursday,
April 3, the waxing crescent moon will slide in front of the Hyades
cluster. The moon will appear to sit just to the lower right of 65
light-year-distant Aldebaran, which marks the left top of the V-shaped
Hyades. Aldebaran may look like part of the cluster, but in reality it
is about half as far away as the cluster members are. On Monday, lucky
sky-watchers in much of North America will glimpse (through their
backyard telescopes) up to three of the Hyades’ fainter members as they
are eclipsed, or occulted, by the moon when its unlit portion passes in
front of them.
Moon and Jupiter. For those who love
planet-watching, Jupiter is easy to find on Saturday, April 6, thanks to
the silvery moon pointing the way in the southwestern evening sky. The
pair together will make for a spectacular sky sight, even with unaided
eyes from brightly lit urban locations.
This sky chart shows Jupiter and the moon together in the constellation Gemini on the evening of April 6. |
A near quarter-moon pays a visit to Jupiter, passing only 5 degrees
south of the king of planets. Don’t forget to point your binoculars at
Jupiter and watch its four largest moons beside it. Even the smallest of
telescopes will reveal dark cloud belts and the Great Red Spot, a
Jovian hurricane three times the size of Earth.
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